Building Confidence in Your Products
We are here to make life easier for you and improve your business production. At Donato Enterprises, we hold a high standard for our team and products. Whether you need an inspection, sorting, 3D printing, or quality assurance, we can provide you that service and go above and beyond while doing it.
We understand the importance of having pride in your product. We proudly serve Eastern and Central Michigan and are committed to delivering outstanding results that guarantee satisfaction. With over 100 years of combined experience and thorough inspections, you can rest assured that your products are safe and working properly.
If you have any questions, please call us at 810-392-7678.
We perform parts, quality, and gauge inspection processes. When working with automotive supply chains, we utilize The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) to ensure confidence in component suppliers and their production processes.
With PPAP, we can demonstrate that the supplier understands all customer engineering design records and specification requirements. We will produce products consistently meeting these requirements at the quoted production rate.
We provide complete GP-12 and Safe Launch inspections for supply chain management on-site or at our location.
If you have other questions about our services, please contact us at 810-392-7678.

81600 Belle River Road
Memphis, MI 48041
Monday - Friday:
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone: 810-392-7678
Fax: 810-392-8800